这样的好处很简单:完全可以不用关心IOC容器是Ninject还是autofac 或者其它什么容器。 只要写上特性标记,再把对应的DLL拷贝到BIN下面,网站一启动就会自动注入到容器中。彻底进行解耦。
public interface ITypeFinder { IListGetAssemblies(); IEnumerable FindClassesOfType(Type assignTypeFrom, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true); IEnumerable FindClassesOfType(Type assignTypeFrom, IEnumerable assemblies, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true); IEnumerable FindClassesOfType (bool onlyConcreteClasses = true); IEnumerable FindClassesOfType (IEnumerable assemblies, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true); IEnumerable FindClassesOfType (bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) where TAssemblyAttribute : Attribute; IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute (); IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute (IEnumerable assemblies); IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute (DirectoryInfo assemblyPath); }
public class AppDomainTypeFinder : ITypeFinder { #region Private Fields private bool loadAppDomainAssemblies = true; private string assemblySkipLoadingPattern = "^System|^mscorlib|^Microsoft|^CppCodeProvider|^VJSharpCodeProvider|^WebDev|^Castle|^Iesi|^log4net|^NHibernate|^nunit|^TestDriven|^MbUnit|^Rhino|^QuickGraph|^TestFu|^Telerik|^ComponentArt|^MvcContrib|^AjaxControlToolkit|^Antlr3|^Remotion|^Recaptcha|^DotNetOpenAuth,"; private string assemblyRestrictToLoadingPattern = ".*"; private IListassemblyNames = new List (); #endregion #region Constructors /// Creates a new instance of the AppDomainTypeFinder. public AppDomainTypeFinder() { } #endregion #region Properties ///The app domain to look for types in. public virtual AppDomain App { get { return AppDomain.CurrentDomain; } } ///Gets or sets wether app should iterate assemblies in the app domain when loading types. Loading patterns are applied when loading these assemblies. public bool LoadAppDomainAssemblies { get { return loadAppDomainAssemblies; } set { loadAppDomainAssemblies = value; } } ///Gets or sets assemblies loaded a startup in addition to those loaded in the AppDomain. public IListAssemblyNames { get { return assemblyNames; } set { assemblyNames = value; } } /// Gets the pattern for dlls that we know don't need to be investigated. public string AssemblySkipLoadingPattern { get { return assemblySkipLoadingPattern; } set { assemblySkipLoadingPattern = value; } } ///Gets or sets the pattern for dll that will be investigated. For ease of use this defaults to match all but to increase performance you might want to configure a pattern that includes assemblies and your own. ///If you change this so that assemblies arn't investigated (e.g. by not including something like "^MTA|..." you may break core functionality. public string AssemblyRestrictToLoadingPattern { get { return assemblyRestrictToLoadingPattern; } set { assemblyRestrictToLoadingPattern = value; } } #endregion #region Internal Attributed Assembly class private class AttributedAssembly { internal Assembly Assembly { get; set; } internal Type PluginAttributeType { get; set; } } #endregion #region ITypeFinder public IEnumerableFindClassesOfType (bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) { return FindClassesOfType(typeof(T), onlyConcreteClasses); } public IEnumerable FindClassesOfType(Type assignTypeFrom, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) { return FindClassesOfType(assignTypeFrom, GetAssemblies(), onlyConcreteClasses); } public IEnumerable FindClassesOfType (IEnumerable assemblies, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) { return FindClassesOfType(typeof(T), assemblies, onlyConcreteClasses); } public IEnumerable FindClassesOfType(Type assignTypeFrom, IEnumerable assemblies, bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) { var result = new List (); try { foreach (var a in assemblies) { foreach (var t in a.GetTypes()) { if (assignTypeFrom.IsAssignableFrom(t) || (assignTypeFrom.IsGenericTypeDefinition && DoesTypeImplementOpenGeneric(t, assignTypeFrom))) { if (!t.IsInterface) { if (onlyConcreteClasses) { if (t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract) { result.Add(t); } } else { result.Add(t); } } } } } } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { var msg = string.Empty; foreach (var e in ex.LoaderExceptions) msg += e.Message + Environment.NewLine; var fail = new Exception(msg, ex); Debug.WriteLine(fail.Message, fail); throw fail; } return result; } public IEnumerable FindClassesOfType (bool onlyConcreteClasses = true) where TAssemblyAttribute : Attribute { var found = FindAssembliesWithAttribute (); return FindClassesOfType (found, onlyConcreteClasses); } public IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute () { return FindAssembliesWithAttribute (GetAssemblies()); } /// /// Caches attributed assembly information so they don't have to be re-read /// private readonly List_attributedAssemblies = new List (); /// /// Caches the assembly attributes that have been searched for /// private readonly List_assemblyAttributesSearched = new List (); public IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute (IEnumerable assemblies) { //check if we've already searched this assembly);) if (!_assemblyAttributesSearched.Contains(typeof(T))) { var foundAssemblies = (from assembly in assemblies let customAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false) where customAttributes.Any() select assembly).ToList(); //now update the cache _assemblyAttributesSearched.Add(typeof(T)); foreach (var a in foundAssemblies) { _attributedAssemblies.Add(new AttributedAssembly { Assembly = a, PluginAttributeType = typeof(T) }); } } //We must do a ToList() here because it is required to be serializable when using other app domains. return _attributedAssemblies .Where(x => x.PluginAttributeType.Equals(typeof(T))) .Select(x => x.Assembly) .ToList(); } public IEnumerable FindAssembliesWithAttribute (DirectoryInfo assemblyPath) { var assemblies = (from f in Directory.GetFiles(assemblyPath.FullName, "*.dll") select Assembly.LoadFrom(f) into assembly let customAttributes = assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false) where customAttributes.Any() select assembly).ToList(); return FindAssembliesWithAttribute (assemblies); } /// Gets tne assemblies related to the current implementation. ///A list of assemblies that should be loaded by the factory. public virtual IListGetAssemblies() { var addedAssemblyNames = new List (); var assemblies = new List (); if (LoadAppDomainAssemblies) AddAssembliesInAppDomain(addedAssemblyNames, assemblies); AddConfiguredAssemblies(addedAssemblyNames, assemblies); return assemblies; } #endregion /// Iterates all assemblies in the AppDomain and if it's name matches the configured patterns add it to our list. /// /// private void AddAssembliesInAppDomain(ListaddedAssemblyNames, List assemblies) { foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { if (Matches(assembly.FullName)) { if (!addedAssemblyNames.Contains(assembly.FullName)) { assemblies.Add(assembly); addedAssemblyNames.Add(assembly.FullName); } } } } /// Adds specificly configured assemblies. protected virtual void AddConfiguredAssemblies(ListaddedAssemblyNames, List assemblies) { foreach (string assemblyName in AssemblyNames) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName); if (!addedAssemblyNames.Contains(assembly.FullName)) { assemblies.Add(assembly); addedAssemblyNames.Add(assembly.FullName); } } } /// Check if a dll is one of the shipped dlls that we know don't need to be investigated. /// The name of the assembly to check. ///True if the assembly should be loaded into app. public virtual bool Matches(string assemblyFullName) { return !Matches(assemblyFullName, AssemblySkipLoadingPattern) && Matches(assemblyFullName, AssemblyRestrictToLoadingPattern); } ///Check if a dll is one of the shipped dlls that we know don't need to be investigated. /// The assembly name to match. /// The regular expression pattern to match against the assembly name. ///True if the pattern matches the assembly name. protected virtual bool Matches(string assemblyFullName, string pattern) { return Regex.IsMatch(assemblyFullName, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled); } ///Makes sure matching assemblies in the supplied folder are loaded in the app domain. /// The physical path to a directory containing dlls to load in the app domain. protected virtual void LoadMatchingAssemblies(string directoryPath) { var loadedAssemblyNames = new List(); foreach (Assembly a in GetAssemblies()) { loadedAssemblyNames.Add(a.FullName); } if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { return; } foreach (string dllPath in Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*.dll")) { try { var an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(dllPath); if (Matches(an.FullName) && !loadedAssemblyNames.Contains(an.FullName)) { App.Load(an); } //old loading stuff //Assembly a = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(dllPath); //if (Matches(a.FullName) && !loadedAssemblyNames.Contains(a.FullName)) //{ // App.Load(a.FullName); //} } catch (BadImageFormatException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.ToString()); } } } protected virtual bool DoesTypeImplementOpenGeneric(Type type, Type openGeneric) { try { var genericTypeDefinition = openGeneric.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); foreach (var implementedInterface in type.FindInterfaces((objType, objCriteria) => true, null)) { if (!implementedInterface.IsGenericType) continue; var isMatch = genericTypeDefinition.IsAssignableFrom(implementedInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition()); return isMatch; } return false; } catch { return false; } } }
public class WebAppTypeFinder : AppDomainTypeFinder { #region Fields private bool _ensureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded = true; private bool _binFolderAssembliesLoaded = false; #endregion #region Ctor public WebAppTypeFinder() { this._ensureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded = true; } #endregion #region Properties ////// Gets or sets wether assemblies in the bin folder of the web application should be specificly checked for beeing loaded on application load. This is need in situations where plugins need to be loaded in the AppDomain after the application been reloaded. /// public bool EnsureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded { get { return _ensureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded; } set { _ensureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded = value; } } #endregion #region Methods ////// Gets a physical disk path of \Bin directory /// ///The physical path. E.g. "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin" public virtual string GetBinDirectory() { if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted) { //hosted return HttpRuntime.BinDirectory; } else { //not hosted. For example, run either in unit tests return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; } } public override IListGetAssemblies() { if (this.EnsureBinFolderAssembliesLoaded && !_binFolderAssembliesLoaded) { _binFolderAssembliesLoaded = true; string binPath = GetBinDirectory(); //binPath = _webHelper.MapPath("~/bin"); LoadMatchingAssemblies(binPath); } return base.GetAssemblies(); } #endregion }
WebAppTypeFinder 这个类就可以对网站下面BIN文件夹所有的DLL文件进行反射查找程序集,可以根据类型 也可以跟特性查找,总之性能不错,大家可以拷贝代码 进行测试。